Media Information

datacenter  datacenter 
Celestica employees Celestica employees
Upwards perspective of high rise office buildings Upwards perspective of high rise office buildings

Company Highlights

2021 Revenue: US $5.63 billion

Employees: Over 23,000 worldwide

Headquarters: Toronto, Canada

Locations: Over 40 manufacturing and design centers worldwide

Listings: The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Stock Symbol: TSX, NYSE: CLS

President and CEO: Rob Mionis

Contact Information

Media Contacts
1900-5140 Yonge Street
PO Box 42
Toronto, ON, M2N 6L7

Media Line: 416-448-2200
Fax: 416-448-5527

How can we help your business?

From engineering design, to prototype, manufacturing and beyond--Celestica is your trusted ecosystem partner that scale and enable your complex technology solutions.